
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Have u ever stop to think about the future?

Sometimes, i just cannot understand how others view this life. How they fail to step back and see the whole picture of this life.

And sometimes, i just get fed up of their simple and unmature thinking.
They act cool and mature, as if they know everything but in fact, their knowledge is can be compared to a monkey's.

Many live their life according to the proverb that asks you to enjoy life everyday and live like there's no tommorow. Their main concern are only today, to have fun and enjoy themselves with not a single worry with the future.

On my opinion, this kind of thinking is childish. Everything you do today have a direct effect on your future.
Take for example, a friend of mine who say she's having BGR for fun, sleeping around and sticking for losers. I can expect what her life would be in the future if she do not change. A life without security and meaning, no peace and joy. Probably she will be visiting psychologist for help too.

Sure, you can argue that we may die at anytime and thats why we must have as much fun as we could when we are living. Besides, it's the proverb that says so. Who is to fight with a proverb?

But first, some thoughts to ponder. If you can die so easily, then i guess human's lifespan is very short indeed. Besides do you want to die so much? And what if you do not succeed dying? Then what?

Furthermore, there's another proverb to counter this, which is Save For A Rainy Day. Which one you want to follow?

I'm not saying that our life does not need fun or relaxation. I am just saying that do not let fun and self satisfaction become the focus of your life. Always think about the future. Where are you heading? What are you planning to achieve?

Every action that you choose to do today will have a direct consequence in your future.
If you start taking drugs, maybe in the future your life would be a chaos, with drugs as your sole purpose of life. Wouldn't that be a waste?

Or lets say you choose a loser as a partner in marriage. Yeah sure, maybe during the courtship days he may look pretty good but if you did not have enough time to fully understand him, you'll be stuck with a jerk for the rest of your life. A jerk that maybe do not respect you, goes out to find hookers and does not care about the family. There're many cases like these nowadays. And you have the guts to blames guys wholely.
Yeah maybe you can go for a divorce, but according to scientific studies, divorce has a bad effect on your children. That's another story of course, but if you wanna know, can always ask me.

There are countless more examples that i can give you but i guess you can roughly catch the point now.Life is not as simple as you think. Although fun may also be needed, DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THE FUTURE OF YOUR LIFE, THE PATH AND MEANING OF YOUR LIFE AND THE QUESTION ABOUT AFTER DEATH.

Well about the question about after death, that is also another topic but i would like to just touch about it. Have you ever wanted to live forever, not wanting to die, well, the good news is. There is eternal life and that is why humans are programmed to have this kind of thinking.

That eternal life is where we are headed, the reason why we are on this world and the meaning of our life. Everything is temporary in this world. When we die, everything will be gone. But lets just leave for now k? So i guess that's it for now.. got anything, feel free to ask^^

Things about love..

People always ask me why i dun freaking go get a girlfriend when practically each and everyone of my friends have a so called "dear", "sweetie pums" and all the "cute" names you can practically think of.
I sometimes also find myself thinking, why indeed?

Before we delve deeper into this topic, lets see why most teenagers today get into BGRs(boy girl relationship).
From what i have seen and ahem, studied, i have found among few reasons that i think is the main factor that drives teenagers into getting themselves that special some one.

For fun, also can be categorised as just for the sake of getting one bf/gf type.
No special reason, they just want to try the feel of having a bf/gf and to enjoy it. These type of people will sometimes ask for something more like sex. When they get bored, then you're out of the window. No long term meaning. The most typical kind you can find.

Influence + no self control type
The sight of seeing their friends or strangers dating makes them go haywire. Can be easily influenced by questions such as "Oh man, you're so outdated because u have no bf/gf" plus they could not control themselves when facing love problems thus making them look like they're so desperate for BGR just so they can keep p with the crowd. No long term meaning either.

3. The sex maniac type
The most dangerous type. The number one reason of having BGR is to experience as many sex with different people.

4. The TRUE LOVE finders
The sweetest and heart warming BGR of all. Do not care bout looks and hold strongly to the quote "til death do us part". Even when their partner is old as a hag, they'll still love him/her.

Well after seeing the most typical type, of BGRs, i would certainly do not want to become the first three group of people because it would seem so meaningless to ennter a BGR like that.
Besides, i'm still young- hey, 17 is young ok!- so its not yet the time for me yet because i could not bear the responsibilty of looking after another one when my main job is the score well and get a good foundation in life.
Plus, for those who think BRG are more important than studies, well, you can't expect your dear to eat cucumbers when you enter the working life and you can't expect to rely on parents forever right?


On the other side, i also do not want to go head banging into BGR, with no directions of what kind of girls i want.
Be sure of what kind of girl you want, get to know her well and if you think that she's the one, then only go for it. That's my thinking, not see one, chase one.

Well on other topics besides this, next Monday is my SPM result announcement day and i'm way over panicked because of the high expectations on me. SPM could really change your life's course. So, pray for me.
Besides that, life's pretty much fine. Just that working 9 hours a day could really take a toll on you. Make you appreciate studies more :P

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