
Showing newest 15 of 45 posts from September 2010. Show older posts
Showing newest 15 of 45 posts from September 2010. Show older posts

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Singlish VS Taiwanese English

And i thought normally it's the Taiwanese people who speak bad English. But guess what? The Taiwanese thinks that Singaporeans speak bad English too evident from this video clip where a few Taiwan celebrities criticize Singlish:-

I guess all these English criticisms go both ways. Btw, anyone have the video where the Taiwan celebrities themselves fail at English terribly?

EDIT: For fair fight, here's another clip pointing fun at Taiwanese English.

So now it's fair.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Many Stages of Blogging

Like many hobbies out there, blogging is like a process. There is no one fixed stage of blogging, but rather there are many stages in which bloggers can under go. Take basketball for example, you can be a school player, a national player or just a casual player but love basketball all the same. The same applies for blogging.

And like many budding bloggers out there, i think it would be cool if i can come out with my own theory regarding the stages of blogging! After conducting countless hours of observational studies (which translate into wasting lots of precious time on blogs rather than my books), i hereby propose the following the stages of blogging that can be found in the internet Blogosphere:-

The first stage: The Child Blogger

Of course, all bloggers have to start somewhere. The child blogger is the equivalent to the people that you would normally call amateurs or noobs. Child bloggers are people who have just started to blog, with experiences less than two years and their blog merely revolves about their personal life and their views about the world. Most of their readers would be only their close friends, with one post perhaps attracting abnout

Due to their new exposure to the blogging world, most of the bloggers in this category would blog using the language of their choice, eg: Manglish, Singlish and God knows what -glish. Among the language decoration that you can find includes lots of ...... / short forms (LOL/BRB/WTF) / variations of English like "beh song" and "siao ah?" / smileys =) / lah, ah, leh, geh etc. If an English teacher were to stumble on to a blog in the stage, we can expect a lot of foaming on the mouth.

One last thing to note is that child bloggers are among the biggest group of bloggers on the net because it relatively easy to be one. You can write whatever you like without caring what your readers think (close friends do not care what you write anyway, they just want to read) and there's no blog promotion or whatsoever involved.

The second stage: The Village Champion Blogger

Bloggers in this stage tend to have more refined skills in blogging. The know what their readers want and they know to to keep the readers entertained, maintaining a steady flow of loyal readers. However, they're just famous among their clique of friends, hence the name "village champion", and is relatively less known outside of their circle of friends. Bloggers in this stage tend to rely a lot on their friends' word of mouth to promote their blog. Compared to those in the previous stage, bloggers in this stage gets relatively more visits, comments and earnings in their blog.

And if people in this stage are consistent with their posts and are able to come up with a lucky break, say winning an esteemed blogging competition, getting the blog of the year award or coming up with a killer post, people will start to take notice and there's a good chance that they will proceed up to the next stage of blogging.

The third stage: The Celebrity Blogger

Every blogger's ultimate dream. The epitome of the blogging. Having thousands of visits per day and earning at least a few thousand dollars per month are among the few characteristics of celebrity bloggers. They can make you laugh, cry or pissed off with a few simple taps on the keyboard. That is their writing power.

Like professional sports however, not every blogger can reach this stage just like how not every basketball player can reach NBA and not every football player can enter EPL.

Blog posts by celebrity bloggers are often marked with advertorials along with their own posts and they are often invited to big events like concerts because well, they're celebrities in their own right. Xiaxue and Cheesie are two examples of celebrity bloggers. They're still famous, judging from the comments they receive from each posts, they're still coming out with good posts and they're still earn hell lots of money from blogging. Kenny Sia however, is not, for reasons which i will mention later.

The fourth stage: The Middle-aged Blogger

Not all celebrity bloggers, however, are able to maintain their celebrity blog status once they have reach that stage. Bloggers in this stage are similar to celebrities that once were famous, take David Beckham for example, and has since lost the popularity that they had last time during their peak in the blogging career.
It could be due to many factors, such as getting too busy once you have achieved stardom or you have lost the passion you once had in blogging or you have just earned so much til you don't feel like blogging anymore.

Blog posts by bloggers in this stage are just filled with advertorials and nothing more, a mere shadow of its once glorious past. I mentioned that Kenny Sia is not a celebrity blogger anymore because, well, he's much like a middle-aged blogger now, too busy with his real life and only updating his posts for advertorials. Like i said, a shadow of his once glorious past.

The fifth stage: The Dead Blogger

Blogging too, can come to an end. A dead blog is when there's no more new posts for months or years and the blogger decided to call it quits once and for all. The blog's dead. Full stop.

Different from the other stages where you have to go through it progressively (ie you cannot be a celebrity blogger before being a village champion and you cannot be a middle aged blogger before you hit the celebrity status), you can jump to the dead blogger stage whenever you want, as long as you stop blogging from whichever stage you're at.

Of course, you can choose to be reborn if you want to, but most of your previous hard work in blogging will go to waste, depending on how long you've been dead. 

So there you go, the five stages of blogging, from the observations of Lukey the blogger. And if you're wondering, i think my blog is somewhere between the child blogger stage and the village champion stage and nowhere near the celebrity blogger stage. In fact i was hoping for this post to propel me a few notches forward, but let's not get my hopes high.

Of course, i'm not saying what i have mentioned up there is correct, it's merely my observation from all the time i spent blog stalking and i'm open to any comments. I would love to hear if there's any other stages or things like that.

And now that my blog post for today is up, i think i shall return to my studies.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photos of Ipoh, from Lukey's eyes

My phone camera got really handy during my one week break in Ipoh. The amount of pictures i snapped, however, is trivial compared to my pre-NUS days, well partly because the phone i owned back then, Sony Ericsson's K810i takes way better pictures compared to my lame Nokia N79 now and i had not experienced the magic of DSLR back then. And digital cameras are for girls.

Nevertheless, some pictures must be taken, no matter how bad the quality of your camera may be, because it's part of our memories in life. Who knows? One day in the future i might be looking at these photos thinking with a smile how different life had been. Or i can show it to my grandchildren (assuming i can get married) to share some laughter and stories.

Among the pictures that i thought was worth taking although my camera sucks includes:-

1. A home made aquarium table!

Imagine being able to see fishes swimming under you while you're studying or eating on the table! I'm guessing this special piece of furniture is made by Brother Matthew Bay, one of the last remaining Lasallian Brothers in my school who has an incredible amount of creativity. As far as my limited technical eyes can see, the table is made from a normal aquarium as the base and a glass sheet as the part where you can put your stuff, supported by six PVC pipes.

I wonder if Brother Matthew would mind making one for me so i could bring back to my university hostel? Perhaps my grades would increase if i study at a table like this.

2. Truly Malaysian made grammatical and language errors

Taken from a boutique from Ipoh Parade
Unless  the pants that they are selling can also be used as a kitchenware other than a clothing material, i think that the person who wrote that must be either half-asleep when he wrote that or has been failing his English classes since primary school. I would vote for the second explanation though, given the fact that the whole shop was filled with signs like this. Surely he would have realized the error made when he was filling up the entire shop with "Pans" promotion. 
 Oh well, maybe it's a publicity stint or maybe he's still half-asleep, but we'll never know.

Take note on the Malay wordings this time
Not wanting to be outdone, a coffee house decides to make its own grammar mistakes too! Just that this time, the mistake is on the Malay sentence rather than an English one. If one were to translate the Malay sentence, it would literally mean "Outside door buffet catering" rather than outdoor. Which means you'll have the buffet just right next to your door. My bet is that the fellow used Google translate for the English translation.

Oh wait, even the outdoor is spelled wrongly. It's "out door" rather than "outdoor". No wonder he got a result such as "outside door buffet catering". 

3. My own pictures!

Of course, you can't blame me for doing that after i've just gotten a RM 20+ haircut and that i'm finally beginning to look at least authentically handsome. After all, you can't be handsome everyday right?

RE : Breakup Email

No, this post has nothing to do with my recent breakup. Ok, maybe somewhat, which is why i'm writing this post in the first place, but only in an email extent. And this is how the story goes...

As any usual nights, i was staring dead into my computer screen, torn between the choices of typing more words into my assignment or typing more words into my Facebook status. The Facebook option has been winning quite a lot lately, by the way. And out of the blue, an email was dropped into my Gmail inbox, with the title "RE: Breakup".

Curious, i opened the mail, half suspecting it was from my ex wanting to scold me for breaking her heart (although the sender name clearly stated Hollister Funkcake, perhaps it's an email account i never knew) or some random guy also wanting to scold me for breaking her heart.

The first line that i saw in the email went "You really got the guts to break up with me over email,bitch??!?!". Of course, half expecting the email to contain scolding, i was dead nervous over the email. What did i do wrong now? Why only now you choose to scold me?

Well, right until the point when the word email began to register in my head. As far as i remember, i certainly did not break up with my ex over the email. Who would do that anyway? People who breaks up using email are usually labeled as cowards because they are not brave enough to confront the situation and prefer the easy way out. And of course, your email might end up in the wrong place like the junk folder and an interesting confusion may come out from there if your partner did not read the mail. That was my first suspicion that something was wrong.

The other came immediately after the word email. Since when i'm a bitch? I understand that vulgarities may come out of a frustrated and a bad break up, but bitch? I trust my ex to be a more sensible person than this. Certainly this email is not about my break up but something else. A wrong email perhaps? So i decided to tread with caution and read the entire thing.

The RE: Breakup email

Of course, the email would have looked very legitimate if you happen to be a person who dated Miss Hollister before, likes to film all your intimate affairs and Miss Hollister happens to be a guy after all! Otherwise, the email has tons of indications that this is just a hoax email or spam. The link for example, is enough to warrant enough alarm bells in your head to wake the entire village up.
(FYI 1: Random links given to you are never to be trusted, even from trusted friends. It normally leads you to some site to download dangerous stuff and to do dangerous things. Clicking a random link without verifying if it's safe is just like accepting a random sweet given to you by strangers in real world)

In any usual situation, i would have just deleted the email straight away just to be safe. One is because i never did all those stuff and two is because the email smelled like spam all over. But for this post, i'm gonna be different and just click on the link to see where it brings me.

The destination after clicking the link. The red circles are the stuff that tells you that this is totally a fake/hoax/spam email
A site that has the word "cash" in it and asks you to complete a survey to download stuff. If you're not going the realize that the email is a hoax now, banging your head on the wall would be a good suggestion because you're going to do it anyway after filling the survey and downloading the "video".

The word cash alone is enough to suggest that instead of your intimate video, you're probably gonna get a spyware or a virus in return. And FYI 2, anything with the word "cash" in it, eg, Earn Cash Online, is also enough to warrant a quick bailout from there. Never ever trust things that are too good to be true. Scams work on that.

So yeah, in the end, there is no breakup email from angry exes or angry exes fans after all. It's just another usual spam email created by hackers in hopes that some gullible internet user who has just broke up would fall for the trick and click the link with the possible outcome of having the entire computer breakdown. Seems like hackers nowadays are going to great lengths to hack into your computer.

I'm just curious how on Earth did the hacker knew i had just broken up. Oh well, another reason not to conduct any affairs like proposing or breaking up online because you'll never know when the hacker decides to send you a breakup email.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Crazy lady in Singapore MRT

An auntie high on who knows what in a green line MRT (guessing from the Queenstown announcement) in Singapore, shouting away like she owns the MRT. I wonder if the police has power of arresting her for being a public nuisance? Or perhaps she's an undercover SMRT agent judging from how she chased the two guys away from the privileged seats.

Well, it's a shame that the person who uploaded this video decided to stop soon after that. I would love to know what happened to the auntie. If she continued shouting all the way to her destination or if she was arrested and put into a mental asylum. And why she decided to shout all those vulgarities in the first place. SMRT pissed her off? Ahh, so many questions. Anyone mind to enlighten me?

When you're stressed...

What do you do when you're stressed to the max? When your heartbeat cannot seem to slow down, when you're anxious all over not knowing what to do and when all your responsibilities seem to be pressing you down? 

Will you give in to the pressure and break down? Or will you take the incoming obstacles one at a time? Or will you stand proud and tall and fight back vigorously to prove that you will not bow down to these pressures?

When it comes to stress management, there are countless ways to handle it. As for Lukey, a game of DOTA never fails to de-stress and put back the UMPH in my otherwise suicidal university life with mountains of activities and studies. DOTA ftw!

Singapore, a special land indeed

After spending an awesome week of holidays in my hometown, Ipoh, Malaysia, I'm officially back in Singapore, the land...

...of fast internet connection! Gone were the days in Malaysia where waiting for Youtube is a pain in the ass! Unlike Malaysia where you can boil water, wash your clothes, eat a ten course meal while waiting for your video in Youtube to load, internet surfing is such a breeze! Which means Facebook stalking can be done in a much more efficient manner too!

... where you can walk alone to take a bus and not get robbed! It kinda takes the fun away though of holding tightly to the hidden knife inside your bag waiting to stab any suspicious person who suddenly jumps at you. Like they say in a Chinese proverb, the person who made the first move will have an added advantage.

...of great public transport! In Singapore, everything is transparent with public transport. You'll know where you're going and how much you will be paying for each trip. Unlike Malaysia's exciting public transportation where you can never guess the correct fare or where you'll end up going either.

...where MSG, salt and sugar are freaking expensive. Because all you ever get in Singapore is bland food.

...of extreme stress! SINGAPORE = Stress Is Nationally Guaranteed for All People (still thinking of what does ORE stands for). I currently have four dance practices per week, two upcoming class presentations, one short film in production, an interview of a kid assignment, a budget presentation and a shopping trip to buy some ropes and hang myself in my schedule.

...of clean public toilets. At least in Singapore you would not find public toilets decorated with artsy stuff like "Mr A was here 20/10/09" or "Amy love Majibun forever". Or toilets with smell so overpowering that in can be used as a chemical weapon in a war.

Ah, Singapore. A very special land indeed.

Friday, September 24, 2010

你不知道的事 (Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi) - All The Things You Never Knew [Lyrics, Pin Yin and English Translation]

 Used as the theme song in Lee Hom's movie, Love in Disguise [戀愛通告], i found the lyrics of this song to be very true of the situation that i'm facing now, especially the first sentence of the chorus that goes "You don't know why I had to leave you". It's never easy breaking up, especially if you're the one who initiates because you will often be viewed as the person who do not care about your partner's feelings, just like the main guy character in the movie.

 I've included the lyrics and the English translation as well, thanks to sunset2712 for the translation, as Google translate was a huge disappointment on the translation part. Do enjoy the song!


Hu die zha ji chi yan jing
How many times does a butterfly blink
Cai xue hui fei xing
Before it learns to fly?
Ye kong sai man le xing xing
The sky is sprinkled over with countless stars
Dan ji ke hui luo di
But how many of it will touch the ground?

我飞行 当你坠落之际
Wo fei xing Dang ni zui luo zhi ji
Even when I got my wings and flew, you were filled with sadness
很靠近 还听见呼吸
Hen kao jing Hai ting jian hu xi
So close I can hear you breathe
对不起 我却没捉紧你
Dui bu qi Wo que mei zhuo jin ni
I'm sorry because i did not hold you tight

Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
You don't know why I had to leave you
Wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
How could I ignore your every cry
你的泪滴想倾盆大雨 碎落满地
Ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu Sui luo man di
All the while the downpour of your tears shattering the ground
Zai xin li qing xi
So clearly pierced my heart
Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
You don't know why I had to keep away
Pan xuan zai ni kan bu jian de gao kong li
Circling in the sky above, just out of sight
多的是 你不知道的事
Duo de shi Ni bu zi dao de shi
So many are the things you never knew

Hu die zha ji chi yan jing
How many times does a butterfly blink
Cai xue hui fei xing
Before it learns to fly?
Ye kong sai man le xing xing
The sky is sprinkled over with countless stars
Dan ji ke hui luo di
But how many of it will touch the ground?

我飞行 当你坠落之际
Wo fei xing Dang ni zui luo zhi ji
Even when I got my wings and flew, you were filled with sadness
很靠近 还听见呼吸
Hen kao jing Hai ting jian hu xi
So close I can hear you breathe
对不起 我却没捉紧你
Dui bu qi Wo que mei zhuo jin ni
I'm sorry because i did not hold you tight

Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
You don't know why I had to leave you
Wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
How could I ignore your every cry
你的泪滴想倾盆大雨 碎落满地
Ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu Sui luo man di
All the while the downpour of your tears shattering the ground
Zai xin li qing xi
So clearly pierced my heart
Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
You don't know why I had to keep away
Pan xuan zai ni kan bu jian de gao kong li
Circling in the sky above, just out of sight
多的是 你不知道的事
Duo de shi Ni bu zi dao de shi
So many are the things you never knew

我飞行 当你坠落之际
Wo fei xing Dang ni zui luo zhi ji
Even as I fly, you fall
o o

Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
You don't know why I had to leave you
Wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
How could I ignore your every cry
你的泪滴想倾盆大雨 碎落满地
Ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu Sui luo man di
All the while the downpour of your tears shattering the ground
Zai xin li qing xi
So clearly pierced my heart
Ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
You don't know why I had to keep away
Pan xuan zai ni kan bu jian de gao kong li
Circling in the sky above, just out of sight
多的是 你不知道的事
Duo de shi Ni bu zi dao de shi
So many are the things you never knew

I hope that this song would be able to reach out to you and somehow mend the broken hearts.

My Psychological Diseases

In the DSM IV, a manual in which you used to diagnose psychological/psychiatric conditions, there are tons of different disorders you can fin. Ranging from depression to ADHD to extreme shyness, the kinds of disorders that you can find in the DSM IV is a proof that we humans can be very creative when it comes to labeling all this sorts of diseases. Heck, the DSM IV is even thicker than my textbooks, with over 886 pages and almost 300 over disorders inside.
The ever increasing thickness of the DSM Manuals proves how creative we are in designing new illnesses names
However, as creative as the writers of the DSM could get, they still left out three major disorders that i seem to be suffering this holiday. And being a psychology student, it is of utmost importance that i share with the world this three disorders that could do much good if included into the DSM IV so others would not have to suffer like me.

The first one would be the Textbook Avoidance Disorder (TAD).

A completely different disorder if compared to the fear of books, Bibliophobia, this disorder is characterized by extreme avoidance of textbook particularly by students. Even if the textbook is right in front of them, even if a major exam is approaching, people suffering from this disease seems to be unable to take up a textbook and read no matter how much their brain is trying to get them to. To this group of people, the textbook is treated as if it was invisible or filled with things that you would not want to go close to. 

A theory suggests that TAD is perhaps responsible for the huge amount of fails in major exams that is seen every year. A possible solution to this problem does not include getting the patients to like the textbooks but instead burning all the textbooks in the world so that they would have nothing to fear anymore.

A second possible disorder that i'm suggesting to be included into the DSM would be a new addition to addictive disorders, called Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD).

Sharing the same characteristics of other addictive disorders, symptoms of FAD includes spending excessive time on Facebook chatting, playing games, updating status about how bored you are every three minutes and doing Facebook related activities until it impairs your normal day to day functioning. People suffering from FAD have trouble leaving the computer and performing day to day interaction with others. And like all people suffering from addiction, FAD patients see no wrong in over-immersing themselves in Facebook, giving reasons like "It's to catch up with my long lost friends", "Keeping myself updated with friends' news (more like gossiping)" and "I'm just de-stressing.

The traditional treatment for disorders such as FAD, which includes gradual weaning off from the substance of abuse, in this  case Facebook (meaning spending less and less time with Facebook to eliminate the addiction) or the cognitive behavioral therapy, would not work because in our world today, people cannot live without Facebook. A proposed treatment would be to let the Facebook addicts to play Facebook until they get bored or to pray that the Facebook server would just crash one day.

The final disorder that i'm suggesting for today would be the Talk Cock Disorder (TCD).

A completely new disorder on its own, TCD is characterized by excessive nonsensical talking exhibited by patients. Sharing somewhat similar characteristics as exhibited by schizophrenia patients when talking, people with TCD tends to talk about lots of thing without rationality, concrete evidence and logic. They could talk about cows flying over the moon, Osama finally decides to shave his beard or Obama is really the shaved-beard version of Osama just for the sake of saying it and coming up with good entertainment. 

A classic example of TCD could be seen in this blog, where the author tries to come up with new disorders and tries to prescribe all sort of nonsensical treatments to the disorders that he just thought up of the blue.

Standard treatment of TCD includes taking the Cock Talker away from the places where he can lapse into a bout of cock talking and in this case, would be taking Lukey away from his blog so he could go read his textbooks, stop Facebook-ing and no more TCD in his blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I was made a new superhero!


I was treated like a mini celebrity the other day when i went to have my glasses changed. It was a shop that i used to frequent since the day i first i got my glasses. 

The mini celebrity treatment was not because i got any handsomer, scored a major goal for Manchester United against Liverpool or cured a major disease like AIDS though. It had to do with the the reason i was changing my glasses, not because i was changing  my glasses this time due to my increasing power of my eyes thanks to the limitless hours of gaming or because it was broke by a football flying towards my eyes. 

You see, i had to change my glasses because the the rims or the temples part, the part of the spectacles where you put over the ears, was so badly corroded it was unwearable. You heard me right, it was corroded like how an acid corrodes a metal when it touches it. Just imagine parts of my glasses falling off.

If you look properly, you can see bits of the paint fading off and the bandage was to serve as a temporary temple because there's only the metal skeleton left at that part. All the plastic has fallen off thanks to corrosion
The other side of the glasses temple and rims that was equally bad. Sorry if the pictures are not detailed enough, i only have my poor phone camera to support me
According to the uncle optometrist working there, i was the first customer in so many years that managed to corrode the frames of my glasses til such a state that the colour and the plastic were all falling off.

"You must have very acidic sweat indeed", he said when i cannot come up with a plausible reason on how i managed to induce such a chemical corrosion on my glasses. Hair gels were out, as i am the guy who rarely styles his hair. Shampoo is out too, because you'll need the shampoo to stay on my head while wearing the glasses for the chemical reaction to happen.

With my plastic frame half melted off, there's no other choice besides changing to a new frame.

Before and After

The funny thing was how the uncle optometrist keeps mumbling about the power of my sweat to melt off the plastic frame all the time i was there. According to him, never before has he encounter such incident of corrosion to plastic frame during his 100 years of working as an optometrist. My sweat must been have very acidic indeed, like a tribase strong acid, enough to melt anything which dare to stand in my way.

Which got me thinking. If my sweat is that powerful, perhaps i could be my own superhero! Like Superman, i'm born with this unique ability that has lie dormant all these while, showing itself only now once i have reached puberty. Instead of super strength and the ability to fly, i have acidic sweat instead that can corrode through virtually anything. I even thought of a tagline for my new job, "Fighting crime with a swipe of sweat!". Think of all the girls and fame that i could attain! And Sweatman would be how i'm called.

"The S is for Sweatman, not Superman!"
However, the thought about my weaknesses also did cross my mind. All superheroes inevitably, have weakness, sadly. For Superman it was Krypton while for Spiderman it would be the lack of tall buildings and tress. And for me, i think not being able to fight without sweat would be my biggest weakness. Fighting crime in cold conditions, for example, will surely be my doom. Thankfully Singapore happens to be a tropical country without winter.

Or if i'm not that noble to skip my sleep for crime fighting purposes and prefer not to risk myself getting killed by notorious criminals, i could also commercialize my sweat too!

Named as the Lukey's BO Anti-Criminal Spray, it is an alternative to pepper spray to deter robbers, rapists and other criminals, only more deadly. Criminals who is unlucky enough to be sprayed by this highly acidic sweat risks deformation of body parts wherever they're sprayed at. With such deadly spray on the markets, crime rates will drop while the sales of my spray will climb!

Use Lukey's BO Anti-Criminal Spray to deter criminals away!
My mum however, was fuming mad over having to pay an extra few hundred dollars to replace my spectacles' frames.


The original version: Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and you'll cry alone.
Lukey's Version: Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, but it's during the times that you're crying only you'll find out who your true friends really are.

Thankfully for me, i'm surrounded by awesome friends all around. Never did it cross my mind that there will be so many people who are concerned about me. A sincere thanks. 
Because of you guys, i'm happy to be alive :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stop Bullying! Vote to stop demolition of 2nd Orang Asli Church in Kelantan, Malaysia

 The Malaysian government has always boasted on the cultural diversity in Malaysia and the freedom that is granted to her citizens regarding the rights to practice their beliefs and religion. The truth is, beyond the tourism advertisements, Malaysians only enjoy a somewhat limited religious rights contrary to what is widely reported to the government. Ethnic Malays, for example, are not allowed to convert into other religions besides Islam according the the law. Any Malays who is caught practicing another faith besides Islam is up for a rough beating from the religious authorities of Malaysia. In line with this policy, people from other faiths, mainly the Chinese and Indians, are not allowed to preach their religion, be it Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism to the Malays and the act is punishable by law.

Muslim Women in Malaysia
Another aspect where religious freedom does not seem much of a religious freedom would be concerning the building of worship places. Permits for worship places other than the mosque or suraus like churches, temples are so hard to come by that the people have to come up with alternatives to find places of worship such as using shop lots as the church. Among the concerns raised by the government over the construction of new worship places in Malaysia includes the subconscious power of the worship places to convert the majority of Muslims our of Islam, which like i said earlier, was against the law.

A typical service inside a shoplot church
Despite all of these "freedom", most of the Malaysians have complains because this has been their way of living since young and there have been relative peace for most of the time (despite hiccups here and there like for example, the flurry of protest by concerned "Muslims" over a relocation of a Hindu temple a few months back). 

However, recently, the government once again decided to flex its muscle over this religious issue again, this time concerning the demolition of an Orang Asli (the indigenous people of Malaysia) church in Kelantan. The full article of this issue can be found here:

If you are advocate for religious freedom and believes that people should be given the rights to choose what to believe in, please support the Orang Asli in Malaysia in their quest to keep their church standing by signing the petition which can be found here:

The Orang Asli need every help that they can get. Please help to spread this news to people whom might care too. Every signature counts.

Tired and Sick


Why when there's a break up in a relationship, there must be one side who is painted all as the evil side while the other is seen as the all innocent one? Why there is sides at all in the first place? Can't a break up just viewed as what it is, a difficult decision that has to be made minus battle between the good an evil?

Why must the person who suggested the break up always be viewed as the evil one who does not give a damn about what the other side is feeling?

Fucked up, that's what i'm feeling.

If the world want to view me as an irresponsible bastard, go ahead.

If the world want to view me as a jerk who knows how to break people's heart, go ahead.

If the world want to view me as someone with his brain up his ass, go ahead.

If the world wants to hate me, go ahead.

If the world thinks it will be better off without me, go ahead.

Honestly, i don't see any point of trying to justify myself anymore when it comes to this. I may give a million reasons but no one will listen and take it to heart because you all would just believe in your own conspiracy theories.That the person who suggested the break up is always the manifestation of the devil himself.

Hypocrites, i would call you. Trying to act as the Prince Charming, consoling the damsel in distress about how idiotic the guy who dumped her is while you yourself is once guilty of the same sin. Trying to be good and caring not because you care about the girl but because you're hoping to score with her through all your actions. "Oh, i will not be like him because i'm much better than him", yeah, right. Statistics has sadly, proven way otherwise than your sweet mouth attempts at scoring.

Well, you guys win. I'm tired. 

Tired who the entire "who's correct and who's wrong" thing in this entire drama. Yes, put the blame on me. Blame me for giving up when stress and reality begins to bite in. Blame me for not trying to stretch the relationship as long as i can and hope that something good would turn out from it. Blame me for being naive. Blame me because i do not want to continue on the relationship out of sympathy. Blame me for being honest. Blame me for not keeping to my ideals. Blame me because i suggested it.

For all i care, the world could do better with or without me. I'm sick of trying to impress the world.
I'm sick of the world.

To hell with it for all i care.


Pardon me for the strong language used for this post. I just need to get all my frustration out somewhere. I'm never good with talking and the keyboard is the only one i can pour my heart to. The events this past few days has really given me the ^%$#%! And please don't come asking me in real life about this post, knowing myself, it would be too awkward for me to say anything and i'll probably just end up brushing you aside. Sorry. I just hope i can make it back alive. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Ten Word Wiki

Have you heard of the Ten Word Wiki before? It's much like Wikipedia where you can basically search for information about anything you want, from an ant to George Bush and to sex, just that the Ten Word Wiki is like it's title. You can only describe a particular term only in exactly ten words, no more, no less. I guess the creators of the Ten Word Wiki got pretty fed up with the host of useless information that you will stumble upon while using the old Wikipedia. Billions upon billions of words, from the history to the inventors to cultural differences to the modern societal impact and controversies just for one simple term like "sex".
The Ten Word Wiki makes life easier by shrinking it all down to just Ten Words.

Front page of the Ten Word Wiki  
The wiki is still relatively new however, my search with terms like university, Malaysia and school returned zero results. Not surprising, considering how many words the English language has. So i decided to be a small boy again, searching for things like:-

You can't blame me, you know. My first three tries ended up with negative results so i figured i might as well go for the more famous terms like those above. The all time favorite word, however, returned with a more disappointing result.

Other results that i found funny includes:-

And the ones that might stoke religious protests worldwide:-

I foresee that this Ten Word Wiki will just become favorite past time for internet users to drop by and just get some laughs out of it, much like Uncyclopedia and Urban Dictionary. Like my friend used to say, "These people have just too much time on their hands".

When nerds wanna make love...

It's funny how Google tries to be helpful to you want want to search for stuff using their search engine. I was halfway typing my phrase when one of the suggestions jumped out to me:-

Answer: Watch Porn

I brushed that aside thinking what's the big deal. Of course, everyone would want to have a good time while having sex right? And of course, we want our partners to feel good either and not think of us as inexperienced people who only knows to to read books etc. No big deal. So i continued typig.

Apparently Google wanted to impress me more with the awesome suggestion tool. Straight after the suggestion on "How to make love", guess what pops up next?

Never too late to be safe huh? Those condoms ads must have work like a charm. I just couldn't understand what's the big problem of taking out a condom and putting it on anyway. After all, it's just like putting on a sock, or a helmet. No big deal.

Next suggestion on the list? 

"How to know if you're pregnant".

And i forgot what i was searching for in the first place.

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