
Friday, March 20, 2009

Work is soooo BORING

How i really wish that God would expand the hours in one day to about 50 hours. Or at least design us so that we do not have to sleep. Not that i'm complaining but it seems like 24 hours a day seems very little for someone like me.

You see, i have to work, then serve (Church work), eat and not forgetting sleep until i'm all swamped up. Life is getting pretty bored and mundane for me as time for me to chill and relax seem so little. And even if i do have the time, my friends would be busy. Life seems pretty unfair right?

If this is the taste of working life after university, i can imagine why so many people are lifeless already. Maybe that is why teachers always ask us to study something we love and pastors ask us to have a goal in life.

If you're just working for the money, the process during working can really get into your nerves. Every month is spent waiting for it to end.

Gosh, i really would not want a life like that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

STPM Results

Ok first of all, this post is gonna be plain and simple. Don't ask me why, it because i have no mood for any decorations now.

For all of you who are dying to compare my STPM results with yours or hoping to know how my results suck (okay, also not forgetting those who genuinely care, but how many does?), here it is.

I got 1A (Computing), 1A- (PA), 1B+ (Chemistry) and 1B (Maths T). A result that i'm entiresly proud of but not entirely ashamed of either. Some of you might be happy, some of you might be disppointed, but as for me, although i'm pretty disappointed, i can't complain much, i just reap what i sow.

As for what are my plans now, well, i'll of course i'll try my luck with local U and God willing, i'll get a course that i am interested in.


I would also like to comment on the movie Watchmen.

Unless you are a nuclear physicist or a philosopher pondering on life, and you do not believe in God, do not watch this movie.

This movie tends to make a mockery of the human life, trying to explore the questions regarding human life in a mundane yet boring manner.

The climax do not even seem like a climax and for 2 hour plus for this movie, almost 2 hours are spent figuring what is this movie about. And even when the movie reached the climax, you could feel the person next to you sleeping because of pure boredom.

The only consolation from this movie are the few hot secenes which unfortunately got censored because this is Malaysia and the bottomline is the movie suck. I hate it.

I wanted something entertaining for a movie and the result that i got is questions and boredom. And the questions are not even related to the movie. Its more to like what am i having for dinner later.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Back, my wife is finally Back!

After painstakingly waiting for God knows know how long, finally my wife (computer, if you could not understand) is back from repairs!

Finally i could get to go online from the comfort of home again and i don't need to sneak online during work time again. Sorry if you're wondering why i have not update my blog in ages but as i can see see it, no one bothered asking T.T

Watched the movie Love Matters recently, and if you guys have not see it, u better watch it. Its a pretty nice movie til there are Malays who watched the movie together though it is in Chinese.I would recommend the movie for those who have a quite liberal thinking about sex and marriage, as this movie aim to tackle these issues from a funny way.

The story revolves around a married man, a bachelor who likes to flirt and a schoolboy who is just starting to get involve into these love and lust matters.

Its a Malaysian movie, and you would be able to understand quite easily what is being shown in the movie and when i watched it, the whole cinema practically shook with laughter. The movie has touching moments also when the schoolboy is tricked into dancing nude by his friends and the man having to face the consequences of having an affair outside with a teenage girl.

Enough said, this movie is definitely worth the money. If you guys want someone to accompany, i would not mind watching it again. And by the way, this movie is by Jack Neo, the person behind movies like I'm Not Stupid and AH Long Private Limited. So MUST WATCH!

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