
Friday, July 1, 2011

Let me show you my house

I've not been really feeling about updating my blog recently because I'm currently quite caught up in something. You see, I'm about to graduate in 2 years time and I think it's high time I start to look for a permanent place to stay once I finish my studies because sooner or later I will get kicked out from my current place, which happens to be a hall on campus.

Knowing that it is friggin hard to find a good place to stay in a small island like Singapore added with the fact that I'm not local, I've decided to not rent or buy my own place to stay when I graduate. Instead, I decided to do something that is much better. And guess what, I am going to build my own house. It's cheap, hassle free and original. 

Which is why I have been too busy this few days to update my blog properly. Because I was busy building my new house. It's almost done actually, and I can give you a tour if you want to.

Ladies and gentleman, introducing to you Lukey's home sweet home, 100% made by Lukey himself without any help and guaranteed original.

This is the front view and also entrance to the house

The side view of the house

Next up, we have the living room of the house on the ground floor

And not forgetting the one and only bedroom (because Lukey is staying by himself, after all) in the house, coupled with a romantic fireplace that never stops burning to keep you warm and cozy, 24/7, 365 days a year

Okay fine, the real reason of me not wanting to update my blog is that I've been busy gaming but hey at least I'm doing something constructive like polishing my house building skills just in case if I want to build my own house in the future. Or if I end up as a Bangla worker, that is. But you gotta admit that that is some awesome work there.

I must admit, I never knew interior design, house building and also architecture can be such a pain in the ass until I try to design my own house. Ugh. I had to demolish my house a few hundred times before I could get the above design and look. No wonder I never liked anything that has to do with designing or building. Lucky too, because I suck at it.


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