Checking emails is such a harrowing experience nowadays.
I'm constantly getting cursed, threatened, faced with gloomy news whenever i check my email.
Examples? Here are a few:
Take for example an email i received from a friend called A.
The subject looks innocent enough with the caption " 11 Year Old Pregnant Girl " so i decided to open it out of curiosity to see who's the lucky guy to get a 11 year old girl pregnant.
the first few sentences i see are:
And then there's this story about a girl who is killed, raped, boiled by her father in law and if you do not forward this email to at least 20 people, she will come and boil, rape and kill you tonight.
And the sentence "THIS IS NOT A JOKE!" again.
Another email is sent allegedly from Microsoft's founder, Tim Babalola and Michelle Rafflesia saying that Hotmail is running out of space and to indicate that i am using my mail,
i need to forward theirs to another 20 people to prevent my email from closing down.
Heck, i send tons of emails everyday and why cant you all check from there?
"Microsoft will pay you $245"
Bill Gates is sharing his fortune, bla bla bla and is going to give $245 for each email you sent, $243 for the email that your friends forward from your email and $241 for your friend's friends.
Doesn't this sound like a pyramid scheme to you?
Call me when Bill Gates decide you pay you k?
Oh, did i mention a huge virus coming?
Apparently this virus will attack your computer and set fire to your hard drive and make your computer emit fireworks display if you do not forward this blog post to everyone on your email contact list, your handphone contact list, your MSN contact list and of course, your Facebook contact list.
I'm not joking!
There's a very complicated programming script implanted on the HTML code of this blog post and once you viewed this line, the virus is now in your computer and there is nothing you can do about it unless you forward this to 200 people.
Oh, and the virus knows how to cast a voodoo spell too which can make you die in 24 hours and to undo the spell, you need to forward to another 200 people which makes it 400 people.
So happy forwarding this blog post then and maybe by forwarding to so many people, you won't have time to forward any other curses to me.
Have a nice day =)