
About Me

Ello, konichiwa and hi. Let me introduce myself. My name's Luke, in full Luke Phang Cher Hong, but you can call me Lukey and I'm the proud owner of this blog called that you're reading now. I'm born October, 11th, 1990 in a small town in Malaysia.
Am currently studying in Singapore, specifically NUS and as you can see, I'm really much into blogging itself. In fact, this blog has been around since 2006 itself. Which is a really long time for a blog but I've only recently started to get serious in blogging when I first came to Singapore in 2009.

I might not be the best blogger around but I am also definitely not the worst. Since coming to Singapore, I have had a few notable achievements in blogging which includes, in chronological order:

  1. Winning a X6 Nokia phone from Nuffnang (blog post here)
  2. Winning an iPad from Exabytes (blog post here)
  3. One of the Top 23 for Standard Chartered's World's Coolest Intern (blog post here)
  4.  Top 10 finalist bloggers for and FandN Spread The Groove Challenge for Singapore Dance Delight 2011 (blog post here)
  5. One of the 5 winners of a HTC Wildfire for the HTC Connects You and Me Challenge (blog post here)
  6. One of the blogger mentors for's Campus Spy Network (blog post here)

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Since 01/01/10

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