
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Singapore Blog Awards 2011, here Lukey comes!

After two years of spamming a post per day in this lovely blog of mine, hoping to get famous one day and retire with loads of money from blogging, I think maybe it's time to take my blog to a whole new level. Something big perhaps. Something like the Singapore Blog Awards 2011.

It's like the Oscars, you know, except it's for blogs. Okay, maybe the Singapore Oscar version but better than nothing right. That is if I win anything of course.

To be honest, I never expect to join this Blog Awards thing in the first place. The competition itself is huge, cutthroat and intense with loads of power bloggers coming from almost everywhere vying for the various category awards given out. And by power bloggers, I mean those who get thousands of people visiting their site per day and commenting "HAHAHA" for every post they write. Heck, how am I gonna fight with them when I can't even get my readers to tick "Nice" for my post down there.

If it was not for Alvin Lim, the person who was in charge for the SDD Blogging Competition who suggested me in taking part in this competition, I think I would have just ignored the whole thing.

But since he suggested, why not right? It's not that my blog is that bad after all, I still have people coming to my blog and all the mumbo jumbo that I have accumulated thanks to my effort in blogging must have meant at least something right? And who knows, maybe the judges will like a handsome blogger like me who has a good sense of humor. Lets just hope that the judges don't have any guys for my handsomeness to work.

Anyway, I have submitted a total of 4 different entries for 4 different categories, namely Best Individual Blog, Best Lifestyle Blog, Best WTH Blog and also the Best Gen Y Blogger.

Yeah, I know, 4 categories is a bit of an overkill but hey, I'm just applying the principles of statistics here. The more you try, the better the chances of you actually winning something. It's all about probability right.

Besides, I don't really aim to win though. As long as I can get Top 10 for any category, I am quite happy already. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

Since blogging is your hobby, why not. Go for it and wish you all the BEST. GOOD LUCK!


Lols top 10 considered very good already! :D support you!

DK said...


Ruiting said...

LOL! Hey, I think you really have an entertaining blog even though I don't really comment on your posts, I do read them and laugh out loud! It probably makes the best WTH blog I have ever read. Hahahaha... Good luck on the contest too! :)


Haha thanks everyone for the support! Love you guys... I mean the friend love... not the romantic love XD

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