
Friday, November 5, 2010

And so, the journey ends...

After a few hours of cringing in front of the computer waiting for the Top 10 finalists for the World's Coolest Intern to be announced, the results finally came out at about 12.10 pm, Singapore time. And Lukey happens to be one of the 13 who did not make it to the Top 10 finalists. Sadly.

Of course, i am definitely feeling a bit sad, to be honest, because i was hoping to survive at least until the Top 10. But when you're competing with awesome people that founded their own company, well versed in all types of media production, able to carry themselves confidently and have hordes of friends to support them, it will be a tough competition indeed.

Still, it was a worthwhile experience. Being able to be grouped together with such awesome people makes you feel awesome too.

So what now?

Well, as any normal humans would do, i have my cognitive dissonance now kicking into action trying to think of some reasons to explain why i did not make it to make me feel better.

1. It's all Debut's Video Capture's fault! Stupid software can't even make a video right

2. I was using a 5.0 megapixel phone camera and a non-functioning laptop webcam to record my videos. And half of the time was wasted getting the audio straight

3. I had a 1800 word essay to do, thus limiting my ability to produce a overkill video

4. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed

5. The sun wasn't shining brightly enough that day for me to be in a good mood

6. My dog ate my awesome idea

7. I'm a nerd? Which is why my social circle is somewhat limited and when it comes to competitions like this, i confirm will lose because well, i don't have that many enthusiastic friends to help out. Seeing how the other contestant's network of friends mobilize to help them out really makes me jealous. I guess this could serve as a reason for me to go out there and mix more with people rather than keeping to myself and this blog. I guess being popular really helps a lot

8. Erm... i purposely want to lose one?

9. I did not go around asking for help much. I was too busy shooting Aliens

10. Two days is just too little time for me to mobilize enough support and help. And heck, some contestants even have a Facebook page! The most i got was a few likes on my video and a "HAHAHAHAHA".

11. I'm too handsome to be the world's coolest intern

What? Who said that excuses should make sense?

Anyways, just want to congratulate the Top 10 finalists for making it and all the best to them! I guess it's back to normal life for me then now. Assignments, readings and trying not to get kicked out from university. And thanks to the people that supported me for the competition, no matter how few you are. Appreciate the help.

Til the next competition (hopefully), this is Luke signing out. To do my essay.



owh I am sorry to hear this =(

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