
Friday, March 25, 2011

Samantha's Holland V Cultured Call Was A Fake

A day after netizens responded in fury following a call by a mysterious girl named Samantha who said that Singaporeans heartlanders are "uncultured" and "low-class", it was revealed today in Twitter that the call might have been a April's Fool day prank that was scripted.

So it turns out that the call was a fake.

And so what they expect us to do now? Go "Hahaha" and say that it was a funny and good one?

I'm definitely not going to do so. Cause it ain't. In fact, I find the prank too cheap and tasteless to be worth laughing at. Playing on stereotypes to get people all hyped up and then saying it was nothing but a prank?

How would you feel if I poured acid on you and shouted April's Fool? I'm pretty sure the last thing that you would think of is to laugh right?

As far as I know, a lot of feelings were hurt yesterday. From what that has been going on in forums, many were wondering how could a fellow Singaporean step on her fellow countrymen. Shock, disbelief and anger were the few emotions that was echoed all around the internet.

People were pissed off alright.

And I guess it must have scared the hell out of you for you to quickly come out and say, "Oh, it's alright, it's alright. Nothing's wrong. It's just a joke only. Hahaha! Funny right? Right?".

Besides, it's not even close enough to April (I wrote this on 25th March) to call it as an April Fool's prank. I'm guessing the April's Fool prank thing is just an attempt to save a publicity stunt that went wrong.

The details are still vague, however. Who were the "funny" people behind the incident? Who sponsored it? What was their purpose? It's just a few tweets in Twitter now that claims that this incident was a fake.

For all I know, given the situation now, the call might or not might be fake. Either way, the culprit behind this must be brought to light for coming up with a sick joke like this.

Totally inappropriate and totally lame.

Edit: Samantha later called again to apologize at but which is real and which is not? Well you'll be the judge.

EDIT 2: Apparently the recordings are now all taken down from the website. I smell something fishy. Some conspiracy going on?


Anonymous said...

this is fishy .. Power98 have deleted that tweet, Yahoo has deleted its online report on the incident.

Anonymous said...

the joke is on u dude . Not 1st April yet.

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