
Friday, March 4, 2011

Spreading the Groove, My First Step Into The Big Scene

The briefing that was held today for the 10 finalists of F&N Spread The Groove Challenge today made me realize something. That for the next few days all the way until the end of the competition, I will need to rely on extraordinary superpowers in order for me to be able to keep up the challenge with all my hall requirements and university tests going on. Which is why I'm gonna transform into:

Captain Handsomey F&N!

Welcoming the latest superhero in town!
And as Captain F&N, I have no other purpose than to bring you the latest and most up to date news of one of the biggest dance event happening in Southeast Asia, Singapore Dance Delight and to keep you all updated with all the latest happenings from F&N, the groovy sponsor of the entire event! Not forgetting to stay handsome all the time.

Now that my transformation is complete, it's time to move on to the actual event itself!

Briefing room where we were briefed. Pun intended. Photo credits to OMY

Held at the Singapore News Center, the purpose of the briefing was to go through the requirements that we contestants have to meet to be in the running for the Osaka grand prize. Being a relatively newcomer to Singapore's blogging arena, I must admit I was quite intimidated at first by all the big name bloggers that were sitting together with me at the table. I foresee a tough competition ahead of me but do not fret! Captain Handsomey F&N would not be fazed by obstacles like this and will continue to fight on until he reaches Osaka! Wait for me, you Japanese chio bus (pretty girls), I will surely come to you!

To cut the long story short, for this event, we the Top 10 finalist bloggers are really much like journalists itself, with tasks and deadlines to meet in our journey to cover the Singapore's Dance Delight competition. Not only that, we are also tasked to cover 2 of the finalist teams throughout their journey in SDD. Perhaps I could even learn some slick dance moves from them *evil grin*

And speaking of which, there's a few things that Captain Handsomey F&N would need help on, you can't expect a superhero to do all the job right, and the first would be to:

Accompany me to HTC Concept Store!

Aside from having to spread the groove about SDD itself, there's also a twist included in the challenge itself, something that has to do with this small guy here:

He's called HTC Wildfire by the way
To make the event more exciting, aside from the Top 2 prizes offered, F&N and OMY are also giving away 5 HTC Wildfire phones to 5 lucky bloggers. There's a catch though. Contestants are required to go down to the HTC Concept Store along with 3 of their friends on the allocated day to try out the phone and then to tweet about the visit to the concept store.

I'm having a little trouble with the going down part because it's mid terms in my uni so most of my friends are busily mugging. So I need your help! My slot is on next Thursday, 8th of March at 8 pm so I would appreciate it if you would accompany me! There's goodie bags for you if you go too. Pretty pretty please?


That's all the help I need for now, I guess. There are more to come in the following weeks so stay tuned! Being a superhero is a never ending job you know.

And now that the competitions details are done, time for the fun stuff!

As one of the Top 10 bloggers, we were given loads of goody goodies by F&N. There's the usual sparkling drinks, a whole bag of them in fact:-

So many cans! How am I ever gonna finish them >.<

Grape, my favorite. And also the competition's favorite too since is Groovy and the competition is spreading the groove? Get it, get it?

I guess I don't have to worry about running out of drinks to go with my food anymore.

There's also the small siblings of the can drinks:

Cute right?

And guess what, the small siblings hide wet tissues inside them:

Ideal for situations when you have a runny nose and need some cooling off:


Nothing but a refreshing tissue on the head
F&N's wet tissue: better than any baby wipes you would find out there!

And the star of all the goodies, a limited edition F&N Trexi. So limited in fact, that only a few people like Jay Chou holds them. Looks like I'm on par with Jay Chou already eh? *Proud*

This is Trexi's home

And this is Trexi!

Looking good with my laptop. Also serves to remind me of the competition


Well, that's all for my first SDD Finalist related post for the time being. All the best to myself! Yays! And Captain Handsomey F&N is now off to sleep!


Links (there's loads of contest going on in these pages!):
F&N's Twitter:
F&N's Facebook:
Tags: Singapore Dance Delight, FnNFun, F&N, HTC Wildfire, OMY 



well there's always neighbours for you to chia them the F&N drinks!

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