
Monday, May 30, 2011

Camp Yellow Fever (Eusoff Hall's Exposure Camp) 2011, My Perspective

Eusoff Hall's second annual exposure camp came to close on last Friday, 27th May 2011 and boy, was it fun. And being a self proclaimed handsome blogger, duty compels me to blog about all the fun experience during the exposure camp!

Although I was also involved in the organizing of the camp last year, I must say that the experience I got from this year is quite different. Part of the reason have to do with the new team and also the increase of participants this year but the main reason is mostly to do with me being one of the co-head this year. And I must say, being called the head of committee certainly feels way different than being just a normal member.

But that's for another post. This post is for the camp! So back to the topic.

This year, with the theme Angry Byrds and Angry Pigs (yes, we sorta borrowed the Angry Birds concept), Camp Yellow Fever was held on the 25th to 27th of May and saw an increase in participants from 23 to 40 with four different OGs.

One of the OGs, Egg Bomb Bird, from the camp

Like any other exposure camp, the purpose of this camp was to introduce something, in this case, the concept of hall life, to would be NUS freshmen and to let them experience what it feels like to live in a hall. But of course, it's also for them to have fun (what's a camp without fun right?) and get to know each other before coming to NUS. And also for me to get to spot any potential girlfriend candidates among the freshies too. Just kidding.

In short, other than than the extremely handsome organizer (hinting at myself), the camp is pretty the standard thing that you can expect from camps happening around NUS now. We played lots of games, gave some talk about our camp (and also hall), barbequed and also had some performances from the freshies on the second night. Pretty standard camp, I guess.

Having fun during the Soap Sumo game

That's right, we use fruits for Captain Ball

But still, we had a lot of fun and got to know a lot of great people. Because by the end of the day, I think that it's not what we do that matters but rather the process and whom did we share the experience with. Besides, from how I see it, playing games is the best and quickest way to get to know each other and to get yourself high (alcohol works better, but since it's illegal, we didn't include it).

And seeing how the OGs have their HTHT (heart to heart talk) session by the end of second night (or third morning, since they talked way after midnight), laughing happily away, I guess it's safe for me to say that the exposure camp this year was a success. Which is a good thing because I was afraid it would screw up with me being a head. But I guess everything turn out for the better.

Too bad that I did not really mingle around and get to know new people though. Which was exactly what happened last year too. I guess this shyness of mine is a bit hard to kick off. But oh well, at least everyone had fun. And now it's time for me to get some sleep and wait for orientation!

Day 2 Group photo


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