
Friday, May 27, 2011

FS - Of love, first impression and telling a lie

It's 2.30 am. I am half dead, fully stressed from the Exposure Camp and half high from the Vodka that I drank. I think I shall skip blogging seriously for this time and answer some Formspring questions since my questions have been piling up in my inbox. And like they say, 3 is a lucky number and from random mouse clicking, Lukey the handsome would be answering these 3 questions today:

1. How do you know that you're in love?
Easy. When you start doing stupid stuff that you would not normally do for a person, like SMSing him/her everyday, when you want to hear and see that person everyday, when he/she suddenly becomes the focus in your life, then you're in love. And it's not necessarily a happy process.

2. What do you first see / take note of / notice in a stranger?
Looks, I guess. If it's a girl, I would take note of how pretty she looks and if it's a guy, I would see if he's more handsome than me or not. You know, in case he decides to go after that pretty girl that I have just eyed.

3. Would you please tell me a lie?
Sure, why not. And the lie would be that I'm the ugliest person living on the surface of the Earth. Now go figure out the truth :p


xianyou said...

damn, you learned fast from Pirates.
For the third question, you lied by telling the truth!

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