
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

World's Coolest Intern Top 23 Conference

Remember my post about this conference that I have to attend? (If you forgot you can refresh your memory at

I've finally decided to go alright, despite the countless phobias that I might trigger during the event (namely social phobia, speaking in front of people phobia etc) because to put it simply, there's not many chances like this that I would get in my life and it would be a great learning experience. I have my friends to thank actually, for pushing me to go and a particular reader of mine (her name is Vittoria Levi btw, and she blogs at for her comment in that post. I realized that I shouldn't always hide inside this shell of mine and be prepared to venture out and do the unthinkable once in a while.

Sure, I might still make a fool out of myself on that day, judging from the video and item that I plan to use but hey, we all need fools sometimes in our life to add colors to it right? And it wouldn't be that bad either. At least I will leave an impression as a funny guy, I hope. I just pray that I wouldn't stutter so much and go blank on stage, hope that my 2 semesters worth of class presentation is worth it.

Hopefully I will be bringing a camera there to capture the happenings of the day and be able to blog about it and for now, I'm gonna go do my video. Adios!



all the best!


Thanks for the mention, I suppose?
Really, I was so shocked to see my name up there.

Good luck! :)

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