
Friday, December 10, 2010

A Random Post with a Birthday Video

I'm having quite a low motivation to blog recently, despite my vows to update once per day at least. I don't quite understand the reason for my lack of motivation, to be honest, it's holidays anyway and i have tons of time on my hand which i do not know where to spend on.

Maybe the new video game i'm playing called Dragon Age Origins is to be blamed. When you have your hands full saving the world, where do you have time to blog? Or maybe i'm just too caught up in life to take some time away and use it online. Or it's because i've kinda given up on trying to become famous anyway since it's almost impossible with 100000 others trying together with you.

Either way, i'm still under-motivated.

On the plus side, i must say i feel kinda happy today because of the video i did for my best buddy Xian You's birthday. Not to mentioned the treasure hunt that we organized for him. This is the video i made for him, by the way. Just a heads up, the front part of the video might be a little bit confusing because we needed to give him instructions for his treasure hunt mini game before proceeding to show him the actual video. 

Here's the video:-

Seeing the stunned and happy expression on your best buddy face and knowing that you have done a great job is priceless. Happy birthday again, Xian You.



lol @ the ads by nuffnang, I clicked on it and it leads me to a "page not found" LOL

BTW, another LOL, cheeeng is the thumbnail for the xianyou video!

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